How to create a good death
Mighty Magic
Almost Fearless
My Disinterested Family
Catholicism & The Culture of Pleasure
Making Friends With Death
My Vacation Face
My Complete Lack of Travel Chill
The OR Litmus Test
Making Room for Creativity
The Memory Bucket
SISU - A Fabulous Thing & A Fabulous Word
I'm A Writer, and I Have Opinions.
Harry Potter, the Horcruxes, and My Liver Transplant
Five Tips To Help You Become a Finisher
Love & Weirdness
This is Franck and I on a mountaintop in Greece.
We thought it would be hilarious to adopt the constipated / deeply philosophical expressions of Greek statues. You know, a combination of contemplating a certain paragraph of Plato and / or suffering the digestive issues created by eating too much baklava.
Why did this pose inspire us? No idea. Did it make us laugh? Definitely. The one thing I know is this - it really is a fine thing to find a partner with a similarly deranged sense of humor.
Here’s another photo of The Weirds. This is inside the grounds of the Vatican in Rome. It was so hot that morning that we tried to move as quickly as we could from patch of shade to patch of shade.
We decided we looked like proper Italian mafia in our sunglasses and our matching linen tops. Very Bella Figura. We started to talk like we imagined mafia members do (we were light years off, I’m sure). My mafia name was Larissima and Franck’s was Francesco.
We found this hilarious (in retrospect, possibly heat stroke) so we took this photo. Because we’re weird like that.
One of the things I love writing the most in my books in that quirky banter between Franck and me, or my fictional characters such as Clovis and Cerise.
Dialogue is where I have the most fun. Those sections feel like they write themselves, whereas description feels like trying to high jump with concrete blocks attached to my legs (or, you know, without concrete blocks, because I am a terrible high-jumper).
Besides making life infinitely more fun, I believe sharing a sense of humor is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs in existence.
Having someone who is the same kind of weird as you = priceless.
Want to read more about how I met and fell in love with Franck in France? Just click here to check out my bestselling Grape Series.