Getting the Keys
Once you find the apartment building (#19 Rue RousseauDeslandes) you will find the key pad to the left of the building front door. Press the code I have emailed you, and then open up the door while it buzzes. Do not lock this door with your key, but do make sure it properly shuts after you.
The apartment door is up the flight of stairs and has a brass #4 onthe upper left hand corner of the door. You will notice two metal lockboxes mounted on the right hand side of the doorjam. Open the black shutter door (it slides down) on the BOTTOM lock box. This will reveal the dials and release button.
Rotate the dials to the combination, which I have emailed you. Press down on the release button to open the door. Pull the door fully open. Remove the key inside.
Close the compartment door. Remix the numbers on the dial a bit. Slide up the black cover again.
The key you now have will open the apartment door in front of you. The door handle needs to be yanked down firmly to open the door.
When leaving the apartment, the handle has to be yanked firmly upwards to shut the door so that you can lock it. Please make sure to lock the door every time you leave the apartment, as well as shut the main door to the building firmly behind you.
On your departure day, please lock up the apartment, then putthe main key in the metal lockbox where you found it and scramble the code. If you have two keys leave other key on the kitchen table with the City Parking Pass.